Everyday Heirloom is a fine art jewelry brand that exists to

Adorn the Beloved™

— creating tangible reminders of God’s faithfulness for women, serving them daily with the inherent truth and beauty of the gospel through wearable art.


From over a decade in the fine art world emerged a jewelry collection that surprised even its founders. Established in 2018, Everyday Heirloom began exclusively as an engraving studio that introduced high-level art to the everyday.

With deep conviction, this art-pioneering couple share their love story alongside their various works. Their brand is imbued with intimacy and romance - an overflow of the sacredly beautiful life they lead together behind the screen.


Hannah Weidmann
Creative Officer, Designer, Visionary, Writer + Communications Enthusiast

Jake Weidmann
Design Director, Chief Dreamer, Sculptor/Engraver


  • Hannah is a writer by nature and loves everything involved in the creation of an art piece. More than the finished work, she is obsessed with the process of becoming - a theme that marks her personal life and is reflected in her work. Being the intimate on-looker and recipient of Jake's most meaning-filled art, she holds the unique responsibility of capturing each story as she leans evermore into their Calling to create. Her life with Jake is marked by an old-world romance with a mission to bring beauty and truth to people through art.

  • Jake is a professional artist and certified as one of nine Master Penman in the world. Jake was certified through IAMPETH (International Association of Master Penman, Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting) in July 2011. He holds the title as the youngest Master Penman by three decades and the youngest to ever attain the title. A few of Jake's peers (other Masters) have done work for the White House, Queen Elizabeth and even the Pope. His journey into calligraphy has been the "special sauce" for everything he now creates, incorporating the traditional calligraphic flourishing into his fine art. Jake is self-taught in each of his disciplines (calligraphy, painting, drawing, woodworking, and, of course, engraving).

    You can view more of Jake's artwork at JakeWeidmann.com

  • Hannah & Jake were married in 2014 in their home state of Colorado and have stacks of hand-written letters as their most treasured heirlooms. They entered into marriage building their first creative business in the world of fine art, Jake Weidmann, Inc., where they travel all around the globe teaching their craft & sharing the stories behind the artwork collection in the JW gallery (although they are devoted homebodies at heart).

    They launched Everyday Heirloom Co. in June 2018 and Hannah birthed a son only 3 months after. They chase after three children while maintaining a steady creative production (upheld by a mystery of grace… and copious amounts of coffee).

    Hannah & Jake recognize that their public calling must never be at the cost of their private calling as husband & wife, dad & mom. They live surrendered to their calling as creatives, artists, spouses and parents and live life from the inside-out, careful not to miss the beauty immediately before them.

    One word to describe their life together: FLOURISHING.

Every design is hand crafted by husband & wife artists nestled in the Colorado foothills. Using precious/semi-precious metals + stones and a reverent approach to craft, every element within the EH Collection is an experience in the process of making & wearing.

Praises from the Beloved —


in Adorning the Beloved

This isn’t our mission alone, but one that invites everyone in on this God-idea — to adorn His beloved with the inherent truth & beauty of the gospel. We believe this work is preparing our hearts for Christ’s return, ushering in the Kingdom of Heaven here & now.

“And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

Revelation 21:2

Join us in our mission to Adorn the Beloved™